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MXR CSP026 Vintage Phase 90MXR CSP026 Vintage Phase 90Our price: £135.00ViewThe MXR Phase 90 set the benchmark for phasers, with its thick and rich tone. Our in-house work horse, purchased in 1974, was meticulously spec'd and recreated as the ’74 Vintage Phase 90. The hand-wired board features select resistors paired with handmatched FETs to achieve the same smooth and warm modulation as the original. The ’74 Vintage Phase 90 comes housed in the classic orange finished box and is adorned with the unmistakable Script logo.MXR Eric Gales Raw Dawg Overdrive EG74MXR Eric Gales Raw Dawg Overdrive EG74Our price: £125.00View Eric Gales serves up some of the tastiest licks in the business, and he needs to have just the right seasoning on hand when it’s time to turn up the heat. The MXR Raw Dawg Overdrive is designed to do just that. A custom circuit, this pedal is based on a classic OD famous for its grit and crunch—but we balanced out the midrange and bumped up the gain for a sweeter, more natural sound even when cranked. The simple three-knob interface of Output, Tone, and Drive controls is all you need to perfect your own recipes. In an MXR mini housing, the Raw Dawg Overdrive delivers tons of sonic flavour in a pedalboard friendly package.MXR iso-brick power supply M238MXR iso-brick power supply M238Our price: £169.00ViewThis power supply is light and pedalboard-friendly with ten fully isolated outputs ranging from 9V to 18V including two variable 6V–15V outputs—and special noise-reduction circuitry for quiet operation.MXR M101 Phase 90MXR M101 Phase 90Our price: £95.00View For more than four decades, the MXR Phase 90 has been a mainstay on the pedal boards of millions of players around the globe. This little orange box went on to become the sole icon of its effect category, and countless legendary riffs have benefitted from the sonic qualities of this pedal. No matter the genre or instrument, the Phase 90 has been there through it all to add its distinctly lush voice to a musician's tone palette. With the twist of the Rate knob, you can take the Phase 90's warm modulation from subtle, spatial shimmer to all-out high velocity swooshing.
MXR M102 Dyna comp effects pedalMXR M102 Dyna comp effects pedalOur price: £105.00ViewOne of the most popular compressors of all time, the Dyna Comp is the secret weapon on many stars’ pedalboards. This box will produce that percussive, clicky sound on a clean guitar that you’ve heard on so many pop hits. It also adds smooth sustain to lead lines.MXR M108S 10 Band EQ PedalMXR M108S 10 Band EQ PedalOur price: £159.00ViewThe MXR Ten Band EQ has been upgraded with noise-reduction circuitry, true bypass switching, a lightweight aluminum housing, brighter LEDs for increased visibility, and a second output so you can run two separate signal chains. With ten carefully chosen frequencies and both input and output level controls, the Ten Band EQ will let you tune your bass or guitar rig to any room in seconds—create earthshaking low-end; restore punch, level, and treble response to a crowded pedalboard; warm up an amplified acoustic; and much, much more. For ultimate tone-sculpting ability in a bullet-proof enclosure, put the Ten Band EQ on your pedalboard.MXR M109S 6 band EQMXR M109S 6 band EQOur price: £109.00View The MXR Six Band EQ covers all the essential guitar frequencies and has been upgraded with noise-reduction circuitry, true bypass switching, brighter LEDs for increased visibility, and a lightweight aluminum housing.MXR M133 Micro AmpMXR M133 Micro AmpOur price: £105.00ViewAdding a preset amount of gain with just a single control, the Micro Amp is a great way to boost your signal for lead work or adjust between two different guitars with unmatched output (i.e. humbuckers to single-coils). It can also provide a permanent boost in a long effects chain where signal drop off is a problem.
MXR M169 Carbon copy analogue delay pedalMXR M169 Carbon copy analogue delay pedalOur price: £159.00ViewGo from crisp "bathroom" slap echoes to epic, Gilmouresque delays with the MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay. Featuring 600ms of delay time with optional modulation, and a three-knob layout that controls Delay, Mix, and Regen. In addition, there are two internal trim pots that offer user-adjustable width and rate control of the modulation for even more tonal options. All done by a completely analog audio path for authentic rich, warm analog delay—made possible only by old-school analog bucket brigade technology. True bypass.MXR M196 AB BoxMXR M196 AB BoxOur price: £69.00ViewThe A/B Box allows you to route your instrument’s signal to two separate output amp paths. Use it to switch between amps or run them both at the same time with different effect configurations so you can find your ultimate sound. Use the Thru jack to connect to a tuner, amp or other device that you want to receive a constant signal. The A/B Box comes in a heavy-duty die-cast housing with high quality jacks and switches.MXR M199 Tap Tempo SwitchMXR M199 Tap Tempo SwitchOur price: £45.00ViewThe MXR Tap Tempo switch features adjustable tip/ring configuration so you can control the delay time of a wide variety of delay pedal types. This pint-sized footswitch is ruggedly built for a lifetime on the road.MXR M233 Micro Amp PlusMXR M233 Micro Amp PlusOur price: £125.00View The Micro Amp+ upgrades a classic boost circuit with EQ controls, low-noise op-amps, and true bypass switching to take this powerful boost box to the next level.
MXR M234 Analogue Chorus effects pedalMXR M234 Analogue Chorus effects pedalOur price: £129.00ViewThis all-analog pedal uses bucket-brigade circuitry to create classically lush, liquid textures that you just can’t get with digital circuitry. Rate, Level, and Depth controls, as well as knobs for cutting High and Low frequencies allow ultimate tone control. Like all MXR pedals, the M-234 comes in a heavy-duty housing with durable jacks and switches for a lifetime on the road.MXR M267 Octavio FuzzMXR M267 Octavio FuzzOur price: £139.00View Explore the furthest reaches of silicon saturation in a trusted vessel with the MXR Octavio Fuzz. Just set the Level and Fuzz controls to your desired volume and intensity, and allow your picking and plucking dynamics to coax out the pedal’s legendarily searing, synth-like tones. MXR M290 Phase 95 PedalMXR M290 Phase 95 PedalOur price: £119.00View MXR knows phasers. The Phase 90’s compact size, superior construction, and refined sound put MXR on the map, and it set the standard by which all other phasers are judged. Two years later, MXR released the Phase 45—a mellower version of the effect favored for its ability to easily blend into a band's mix. Now, you can get both iconic circuits in a single pedal while tightening up your pedalboard at the same time. The Phase 95 combines the Phase 45 and Phase 90 circuits in a mini housing with about half the footprint of a standard MXR pedal. The 45/90 switch toggles between the Phase 45 mode’s subtle two-stage phasing and the Phase 90 mode’s more pronounced four-stage phasing, while the Script switch toggles between two phasing styles. The Phase 95 is set to modern style phasing by default, which relies on feedback to create light harmonic distortion and gives the effect a more accentuated swoosh. Engaging the Script switch removes feedback for a lusher, more subdued sound with higher headroom and greater clarity. The familiar Speed control sets the rate of the effect. The Phase 95 may be small, but it’s full of rich phase tones, and it’ll take a beating on the road.MXR M291 Dyna Comp Mini CompressorMXR M291 Dyna Comp Mini CompressorOur price: £119.00ViewThe Dyna Comp Mini Compressor combines classic tone and modern convenience in a housing that’s nearly half the size of the original, featuring an all-new Attack switch to toggle between slow and fast attack times.
MXR M299 Carbon Copy Mini PedalMXR M299 Carbon Copy Mini PedalOur price: £179.00View In just over a decade, the MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay has become a rock ‘n’ roll staple. Its rich bucket-brigade warmth and elegant simplicity have endeared it to guitar players around the world—weekend warriors and recording pros alike. It’s the go-to standard for players who want a well-rounded, easy-to-use delay pedal that sounds incredible. Between the Carbon Copy Analog Delay and Carbon Copy Deluxe Analog Delay, you can find a solution for almost any of your delay needs—but if you’re looking to free up some space on your own board, or downsize to a smaller one for travel gigs, then consider another demand met.MXR M300 Reverb PedalMXR M300 Reverb PedalOur price: £219.00ViewThe MXR Reverb delivers six distinct high end reverb styles, each exquisitely crafted and tuned by the award-winning MXR design team. It all comes in a standard-sized MXR box with a simple three-knob setup and a hi-fi analog dry path with a massive 20 volts of headroom thanks to Constant Headroom Technology™. Each reverb style is as richly detailed as any found in the highest-end rack units and plug-ins, and all you have to do to step through them is push the Tone knob.The PLATE setting provides a shimmering smooth wash of space that’s a go-to choice from the studio recording world. SPRING sets a new standard for truly authentic sounding reverb without coiled metal—a perfect recreation of the classic amp-based effect, with the Tone control taking you from dark vintage amp spring, through classic jangle, to bright surfy splatter. EPIC is a unique combination of multiple interwoven analog-tone delay lines and complex modulation—perfect for solos from that more shaded part of the lunar landscape. MOD throws down a plate-flavored spaciousness with richly organic modulation in the feedback path. The ROOM style adds subtle body and projection to your guitar tone at shorter decay times while longer decay times yield rich organic space that doesn’t wash out. PAD closes out the line-up with a unique combination of sub-octave + octave-up with echoes + "shimmer" + synth/organ modulation + reverb.Connect a Dunlop DVP series volume/expression pedal to the expression jack to toggle and blend between two different knob setting configurations. The Reverb includes 100% wet mode, stereo input and output capability, and true relay or trails bypass.MXR M303 Clone LooperMXR M303 Clone LooperOur price: £169.00View Whether you’re practicing at home, captivating audiences with improvisational compositions onstage, or weaving intricate sonic tapestries in the studio, the Clone Looper Pedal has you covered. Packed into a standard MXR® housing that’s built like a tank, it’s easier to use and delivers higher fidelity signal reproduction than any other looper of its type—hands down.MXR M305 TremoloMXR M305 TremoloOur price: £169.00View This return of the tremolo effect to the MXR line combines a full historical range of masterfully tuned tremolo styles with a host of features to satisfy the performance needs of today’s discerning players.
MXR M68 Uni-Vibe PedalMXR M68 Uni-Vibe PedalOur price: £149.00ViewThe MXR Uni-Vibe Chorus/Vibrato delivers the same lush, chewy textures that players have used since the late ’60s. Updated with modern gigging players in mind, this effect now it comes in a standard MXR housing—a fraction of the size and weight of the original—with true bypass switching.MXR M82 Bass Envelope FilterMXR M82 Bass Envelope FilterOur price: £159.00View The MXR Bass Envelope Filter delivers classic analog envelope filter sounds in an easy-to-use and compact pedal designed specifically for bass. Separate Dry and Effect controls let you dial in the perfect mix of effected and direct signals, so you can bring the funk without losing the low end. Its wide range of filter tones can be shaped with the Decay and Q controls, and a simple twist of the Sensitivity knob can tailor the pedal for your attack—as well as adjust for passive or active basses. The Bass Envelope Filter's power supply circuitry is designed to withstand over-voltage or polarity mishaps, and its true-bypass switching preserves your tone in bypass mode. It's all packaged in a durable, lightweight, Phase 90-size aluminum housing for the ultimate in portability and pedalboard space-saving dimensions.MXR M89 Bass Overdrive PedalMXR M89 Bass Overdrive PedalOur price: £139.00ViewThe MXR Bass Overdrive is an original design that delivers warm, tube-like overdrive. Along with standard Volume, Tone and Drive controls, this pedal features a Clean control so you can blend a pre-set EQ clean signal with the overdrive signal, resulting in sweet burly bass overdrive.MXR Mini iso-brick power supplyMXR Mini iso-brick power supplyOur price: £115.00View Whether you need a space-saving solution for your downsized travel board or you just need to power a small, carefully curated selection of tried-and-true staples, this little box has what you need—all while taking up less space than a candy bar.
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